Letter from the Editor Alanna Rusnak Letter from the Editor Alanna Rusnak

Where Do We Go From Here?

We’re ticking up to the one year mark of living beneath the direct shadow of a global pandemic. We were so naive, back in those early days of 2020, thinking it would pass us over in a week or two. There was a real sense of solidarity: people banging pots for healthcare workers, online concerts, handmade thank you posters. Gas dropped to a price I hadn’t seen since I was a child, everyone made bread, the world slowed down to try and heal itself.

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Announcement Alanna Rusnak Announcement Alanna Rusnak

Blank Spaces Welcomes Joanne Morrison as Guest Fiction Editor for the March 2021 Issue

We believe in creating opportunity to explore the world of publishing, as well as inviting the contribution of those who believe in our mission of offering a safe and supportive community for creatives.

When Joanne, a contributor to our December issue (Letters from Dead Artists) expressed an interest in editing, we extended an invitation to bring her on board for our next issue.

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Letter from the Editor Alanna Rusnak Letter from the Editor Alanna Rusnak

Holiday Greetings

Has 2020 left you feeling invisible? The heaviness of this year has been a lot to bear, and I’ve sadly seen it bring out the worst in some people. I’ve also seen the way it has called others to rise up and find their own potential. As I’ve navigated this—the good and the bad—I’ve been able to examine my own responses and redirect my path towards the positive. While it’s easy to wallow in the shadows, there’s small victories to be celebrated when you push through the fog and focus on the other side.

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Letter from the Editor Alanna Rusnak Letter from the Editor Alanna Rusnak

The Curse of the Cursor

I don’t believe it’s accidental that cursor seems to be derived from the root word “curse”. As I sit here, overwhelmed with a to-do list (that includes writing this introduction to the December issue), the cursor blinks at me in witchy fashion, and I am empty.

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Prize Nominations Alanna Rusnak Prize Nominations Alanna Rusnak

Our Nominations for the 2021 Pushcart Prize

The Pushcart Prize: Best of the Small Presses series, published every year since 1976, is the most honoured literary project in America. They welcome up to six nominations (print or online) from little magazine and small book press editors throughout the world, and selected winners will appear in their annual publication.

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Call to Action Alanna Rusnak Call to Action Alanna Rusnak

Launching into our 5th Year at 80% funded!

The midst of a global pandemic is the worst time to try and raise funds, but we are so thankful for those of you who stepped up and gave generously. This means that, as we enter our fifth year of publication, our annual operation costs are close to covered. To say this is a relief is a gross understatement.

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Letter from the Editor Alanna Rusnak Letter from the Editor Alanna Rusnak

It Feels Like Home to Me

When you’re a dreamer, uncertainty can throw a major wrench into your fantasies. In this season of social distancing and hyper awareness, it’s easy to become jaded to anything beyond living in your pyjamas and eating bonbons until your jeans are only good for the donation bin. I’ve had to forcibly practice positive thinking and healthy habits; and though none of us know what tomorrow will bring, I’m making myself rethink old goals and set new ones.

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Letter from the Editor Alanna Rusnak Letter from the Editor Alanna Rusnak

Happy Sumontuwedthursatday!

Thankfully, the function of Blank Spaces has been little affected by the restrictions of Covid-19. We exist mostly in an online space and will be able to maintain our regular volunteer positions for the foreseeable future. And though the dreams of a physical location are currently on hold, there are many other ideas stirring in the pot.

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Update, Motivation Alanna Rusnak Update, Motivation Alanna Rusnak

Art is an Antidote: Finding Peace Through Creativity

We blinked and the whole world changed. Times are uncertain right now and we're all waiting on the edge of our seat to see if our efforts to flatten the curve are going to pay off. I feel so thankful to be in Canada. Our vast land mass should be working in our favour and it seems the majority of people are heeding recommendations.

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