Canadian Literary Arts Magazine


Blank Spaces March 2025
Sale Price: $20.00 Original Price: $24.00

Digital editions are available for instant download.


OUR MISSION: to celebrate and champion the work of Canadian creatives, bringing exposure and support to artists across our great country.

WHAT ARE WE? We are an affordable, quarterly magazine, offering you the very best in Canadian talent with a specific focus on literary arts.

WHY DO WE EXIST? The world is big - so big it can feel like your voice is lost among all the noise. We want to strip things back. We want to edit away the stumbling blocks in your path. We dream of building a community in which diverse voices - your voice - can be heard.

A creative life can be a lonely life and while there is something romantic and hauntingly tragic about living out your days as a poetry-spilling hermit, the truth is, most creatives want to be appreciated in their time.

Is this your truth?

Blank Spaces has been created to give you a platform to be heard. Think of it as your own personal megaphone, broadcasting your message - your creation - to the world. We want to champion your art, whatever it may be, and share it with a literary world that is often dismissive of newcomers.

Never been published before? No problem! Don't have an agent? Who cares! 

We want you: the raw, real, true YOU!

If you are passionate, attentive, and wholeheartedly invested in your craft and in presenting your best face to the world, we want you on our team! Because that's what we are: a team. Whether you're from Newfoundland or the Yukon or anywhere in between. We are in this together. We are here to hold one another up.

Together, we will fill in the gaps with our heart-rendered stories and our colourful spirits.

If you've caught our vision and are inspired by our passion, we'd love to add your voice to our diverse spectrum. Learn how to submit here.

What People Are Saying:

"Authenticity is a rare thing, and Blank Spaces is just overflowing with it!"

— Heidi, reader/contributor

"What a gorgeous magazine! I love the care and attention to detail, especially the colours, the high quality paper, the use of lines, and white space. The cover is beautiful and I particularly love all the…art. A stunning achievement and an honour to be published here."

— Leslie,contributor

"A fantastic spot. Filled with creativity and encouragement."

— Nicole, contributor

"Thank you for the BEAUTIFUL contrib copy--WOW--you guys did an awesome job! There are only an handful of magazines that have your design/paper/printing quality level. You are in a very elite group of high level magazines, and I know 'cause I work with so many of them."

— Allan, contributor

“...thank you for helping me to achieve my writing goal this year - to have my first piece of writing published...I loved the magazine…the layout of the magazine, how eclectic it is, and how it showcases Canadian talent - everything was awesome!"

— Amy, contributor

“Hot damn. I absolutely love what you've done here! From layout to content, everything here is amazing!”

— Hannibal, contributor

A team of passionate volunteers, working hard to bring you great Canadian content.

Our Contributors

Blank Spaces only publishes the work of Canadians. Whether they’re living at home or living abroad, we’re honoured to be a place that Canadians trust!

Submit Your Work

We are always looking for powerful work by talented creatives. Actively seeking creative non-fiction, poetry, flash fiction, artwork, and photography.