Kevin Wilson Named Grand Prize Winner in the Blank Spaces/Chicken House Press Anthology Contest

Celebrating Excellence: Sticks and Stones Anthology Finalists Gather for Virtual Reading

In a memorable virtual gathering held on Wednesday, December 11, eight talented writers came together to share excerpts from their shortlisted stories for the upcoming anthology Sticks and Stones. The collection represents the culmination of a rigorous literary contest jointly hosted by Blank Spaces magazine and Chicken House Press. From an initial submission pool, Blank Spaces Editor-in-Chief Alanna Rusnak carefully curated a longlist of 20 stories, which was then reviewed by a distinguished jury of five who selected the eight finalists. These shortlisted works were ultimately presented to special grand prize judge E. Yvonne Pelletier for the final selection.

The Zoom event, hosted by Rusnak, drew an enthusiastic audience eager to preview these powerful works before their publication in April 2025.

The evening ended with Pelletier's announcement of the grand prize winner, selecting Kevin Wilson's "Ovomancy" for top honours, along with a cash prize exceeding $300. Wilson's story masterfully weaves together the seemingly mundane—a lawyer's lunchtime routine—with deeper themes of fate and karmic justice. The narrative follows an unexpected workplace encounter that eerily fulfills a prophetic egg-reading, ultimately addressing workplace harassment through a lens of cosmic retribution. Pelletier praised Wilson's work for its "beautiful structure" and its nuanced exploration of "male wounding and the impact of toxic masculinity on identity."

Kevin Wilson takes top honour in the 2024 Sticks and Stones anthology contest

Wilson (who goes by K. R. Wilson in publications) a Toronto-area writer, brings an impressive literary pedigree to this achievement. His novel An Idea About my Dead Uncle claimed the inaugural Guernica Prize in 2018, while Call Me Stan: A Tragedy in Three Millennia earned a spot on the 2022 Leacock Medal longlist. His forthcoming works include Stan on Guard: A Two Part Invention, scheduled for publication by Guernica Editions in 2026, and the SF-noir Tendrils, forthcoming from Palimpsest Press in 2027. Wilson's work has appeared in various literary journals and the flash fiction anthology This Will Only Take a Minute.

Honorable mentions were awarded to Tara Ross for "Hatchling" and Katrine Raymond for "Keepsakes," completing a trio of stories that exemplify the anthology's impressive range and depth.

Sticks and Stones promises to be a stunning collection showcasing some of Canada's compelling literary voices. The eight selected stories explore the delicate balance between trauma and healing, weaving together tales of spectral visitors, secret gardens, and lives in transition. From a woman haunted by skeletal reminders of her past to a mother finding wisdom in sea turtles' ancient journeys, each narrative offers a unique perspective on inheritance and recovery.

The anthology delves deep into both physical and psychological landscapes—examining childhood drownings, mental health challenges, and the tension between cultivated gardens and wild emotional terrain. These stories remind readers that our deepest wounds often contain the seeds of our greatest strength, and that the burdens we bear can become the stepping stones toward healing.

All eight finalists' works will be featured in Sticks and Stones, scheduled for release in April 2025, offering readers a profound exploration of human resilience and transformation through the lens of contemporary Canadian literature.

Alanna Rusnak

With over eighteen years of design experience, powerful understanding of publishing technology, a passionate love for stories, and a desire to make dreams come true, Alanna Rusnak is your advocate, mentor, friend, cheerleader, and the owner/operator of Chicken House Press.

Five Make the Shortlist for our December Writing Contest


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