Five Make the Shortlist for our December Writing Contest

We are so pleased to announce that FIVE writers have made the shortlist for our December Write Prompt Challenge.

We try to choose images that can take authors in countless directions, and the photo of a shelf of old bottles certainly took people to some interesting places. These writers approached the provided image with wonderfully unique views that were clever and surprising.

Congratulations to Andrea Bernard, Connie Chen, Pamela McHugh, Andrew Shaughnessy, and Glenn Willmott — we wish you well as you go on to the final stage of judging!

Andrea Bernard| shortlisted for the story, 'Loose Tea'

Andrea is a marine biologist. For most of her career she lived and worked in sunny South Florida, but in April 2020, she returned home to the Toronto suburbs where she now lives with her husband and her dog, Indiana. Her short fiction has been published in the Antigonish Review, On Spec, Blank Spaces, and Prairie Fire.

Connie Chen| shortlisted for the story, 'Changing Order'

Connie is a retired physician learning to write in her spare time.

Pamela McHugh | shortlisted for the story, 'A Good Candidate'

Pam McHugh lives and works in Calgary, Alberta. Many of her ideas come from her children. She recently took up creative writing through a program at the Calgary Public Library.

Andrew Shaughnessy | shortlisted for the story, 'Check Please'

Andrew (Andy) Shaughnessy is a Toronto-based intellectual property litigation lawyer and writer. He is a past contributor to Blank Spaces Magazine, as well as a one-time silver and three-time bronze medalist (and four-time short-lister) in past image prompt challenges. His short stories and poems have appeared with Off Topic Publishing, Syncopation Literary Journal, and Last Stanza Poetry Journal, among others. He has been nominated by Last Stanza Poetry Journal in 2024 for the Pushcart Prize. He is the 2023 Mississauga Library Poetry Prize Winner. He overuses m-dashes (and parentheses) and has (the love of) a dog.

Glenn Willmott | shortlisted for the story, 'Tricks with Powders'

Glenn is a scholarly writer who’s turned to exploring our attraction to wonder and illusion in creative fiction, with one published story so far.

Watch for our announcement of the top three in the coming weeks!

Alanna Rusnak

With over eighteen years of design experience, powerful understanding of publishing technology, a passionate love for stories, and a desire to make dreams come true, Alanna Rusnak is your advocate, mentor, friend, cheerleader, and the owner/operator of Chicken House Press.

What We’re Talking About in Issue 0903 (March 2025)


Kevin Wilson Named Grand Prize Winner in the Blank Spaces/Chicken House Press Anthology Contest