Letter from the Editor Alanna Rusnak Letter from the Editor Alanna Rusnak

The Future is as Bright as We Dream it to Be

Sometimes, the span between issues seems enormous when I think about everything that happens in that space. Since our second anniversary edition in September, we released a new anthology (Just Words Volume 2, coming out as the number two new release in Canadian collections and readers on Amazon in its first week); we took to the Toronto Harbour Front for Word on the Street (so nice to chat with so many readers and contributors there!)…

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Prize Nominations Alanna Rusnak Prize Nominations Alanna Rusnak

Our Nominations for the Pushcart Prize XLIII

The Pushcart Prize: Best of the Small Presses series, published every year since 1976, is the most honoured literary project in America. They welcome up to six nominations (print or online) from little magazine and small book press editors throughout the world, and selected winners will appear in their annual publication.

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Letter from the Editor Alanna Rusnak Letter from the Editor Alanna Rusnak

Happy Birthday, Blank Spaces: You've Made Me a Believer!

Two years ago, September 2016, I was in my day-job office when the mail-lady delivered the first issue of Blank Spaces. My hands shook as I opened the package, dread coursing through me as I thought of all the people who had pre-ordered the debut edition based on my bold promotion. The night before I had dreamed the issues arrived printed on tissue paper, stapled together haphazardly. Everything was on the line—at least, it felt that way. My reputation, my pride, my future. I had a vision of bringing Canadians together, who, like me, were tired of rejection, tired of the ‘you must be published to get published’ Catch-22, desperate for a place to belong. I pictured a beautiful, glossy piece of art that anyone would be loathe to ignore; something that would be cherished in a collection rather than discarded in a recycling bin.

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Tips & Tricks Alanna Rusnak Tips & Tricks Alanna Rusnak

Our Quarterly Contest — How it Really Works & What You Need to Know to Gain an Advantage

In every new issue of Blank Spaces we publish a write prompt image hoping to invoke some great creativity and inspire new voices to send us work. When the pressure of submission is taken away, it's sometimes easier to take that first plunge into magazine publication and we're happy to make that available to our readers. It's always fun to see the unique ideas spun out of one image.

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Letter from the Editor Alanna Rusnak Letter from the Editor Alanna Rusnak

Spring IS Coming

If you’re anything like me, winter has a way of beating you down. We romanticize memories of summer and lament the long months using snowman and crying face emojis. In true Canadian spirit, we leave our footprints in the snow, wrap our mittened hands around a Tim Horton’s cup, and increase our forearm muscles as we tackle the ice on our cars each morning. And, on the days when the mercury dips so low our furnaces and wood stoves can’t keep up, we sit in our   offices donning toques, scarves, and wool sweaters, repeating the life-giving mantra: this too shall pass.

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Prize Nominations Alanna Rusnak Prize Nominations Alanna Rusnak

Our Nominations for the Pushcart Prize XLII

The Pushcart Prize: Best of the Small Presses series, published every year since 1976, is the most honoured literary project in America. They welcome up to six nominations (print or online) from little magazine and small book press editors throughout the world, and selected winners will appear in their annual publication.

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Letter from the Editor Alanna Rusnak Letter from the Editor Alanna Rusnak

Welcome to the Toddler Years

It’s hard to believe I’m writing this piece for the anniversary issue. One year. Whew! To say I’m proud would be a gross understatement. I am thrilled, amazed, humbled, and all the other positive words I’d list here if I didn’t feel the pressure to write something more profound.

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Tips & Tricks Alanna Rusnak Tips & Tricks Alanna Rusnak

#SubmitTip — Make Us Fall in Love With You

If you're familiar with our submission guidelines you'll already know that, more than your publishing credits, we really want to know you. Actually, to quote ourselves directly: No pressure, we just want to fall in love with you.

And we mean it. Publishing credits are great and we will celebrate your portfolio with you but we value people over product and if you can give us a taste of who you are and sell us on your winning personality, we're going to want you in our tribe before we even read your submission.

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