Spencer Dawson
Spencer Dawson writes out of Toronto Ontario where he lives and works as an electrician for Local 353. His first published piece, “Some Just Whine and Complain” can be read in the first volume of Coffin Bell.
Ann-Marie Brown
Ann-Marie Brown is a Canadian painter who has lived around the world, and currently makes her home between the forest and the ocean on the west coast of B.C., where she shares a house with her husband, son, dog, and the occasional bear.
Tsara Shelton
Tsara Shelton is a writer of musings, a sipper of coffee, and an addict of anything story.
Susan Siddeley
Susan Siddeley graduated with a B.A. Honours Degree in Politics and a Diploma in Education from the University of Wales.
Olivia Sapp
Olivia Sapp was born in Seattle, Washington but moved with her family to Kitchener, Ontario when she was a year old, and has lived there since. She loves to write, especially poetry and journaling, but is dabbling in screenwriting too.
Alan MacLeod
Dr. Alan MacLeod is a psychologist and writer living in Bruce County, Ontario.
Nicole Moss
Nicole Moss is an award-winning collage artist living and working in Toronto. In 2015, Moss graduated from the Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD) University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts.
Tony Kicinski
After retiring from a busy, computer-filled career in Toronto, Tony is enjoying the freedom to explore and expand his many interests, one of which is writing.
Beverley Hopwood
Beverley Hopwood grew up in a city, but enjoys the small-town life of mid-western Ontario.
Richelle Forsey
Richelle Forsey is a photographer and urban explorer. She is currently completing her BAH in Studio Art and Museum Studies at the University of Guelph.
Simon Broder
Simon Broder is a Toronto-based writer who previously studied creative writing at the University of Victoria under such Canadian stalwarts as Steven Price and Bill Gaston.
Sharon Barr
Sharon attended York University, the University of Toronto, and the Toronto School of Art. Her studies have focused on Visual Arts, Art History, and English Literature.
Ilham Alam
Ilham Alam discovered her knack for crafting stories back in elementary school and has continued writing in a variety of genres since then, including as a reporter with the Varsity Student Newspaper at The University of Toronto during her time as an undergraduate student.
Trevor Abes
Trevor Abes is an artist from Toronto with a fondness for writing essays and poetry.
Corals Zheng
Corals Zheng Corals Zheng is an English literature and Political Science double major at the University of Toronto.
Ronald Zajac
Ronald Zajac was born and raised in Montreal, where he completed a B.A. and M.A. in English Literature at McGill University.
Silvana Virdiramo
While growing up in Catholic grade school, Silvana fell in love with the religious images of Mary and Jesus, compelling her to explore art from a young age.
Mirjana Villeneuve
Mirjana Villeneuve is a fourth year English student at Queen’s University.
Colin Thornton
Colin Thornton arrived in the world of short fiction writers the long way around. After writing radio and tv advertising, slogans, billboards, speeches, and newspaper ads for 30 years, earning awards, accolades, and a corner office, he retired.