Colin Thornton
Colin Thornton, writer
Colin Thornton arrived in the world of short fiction writers the long way around. After writing radio and tv advertising, slogans, billboards, speeches, and newspaper ads for 30 years, earning awards, accolades, and a corner office, he retired. Now he writes short stories and remains humble by leafing through a steadily growing pile of rejection slips. The thin pile on the left (the one that glows in the dark) includes publication in the Globe & Mail, Pulp Literature, Ellipse, Galleon, The Dime Store Review, the Jewish Literary Journal, and 31 audio dramas for Misfits Audio.
Ten Minutes in Maine — Volume 4, Issue 2
When a writer finds a letter on the ground in Colin Thornton’s story, Ten Minutes in Maine, he can’t help but let his imagination fill in the gaps.