Shadi Rajabi
Shadi Rajabi, writer
Shadi Rajabi is a Montreal-based short fiction writer and avid reader. She has written stories since she was twelve. She is now, decades later, beginning to find the courage to send them out into the open, to be judged and scrutinized, and maybe, just maybe, enjoyed. By day, she is an overworked doctor, mother, and performer (of chores only, nothing on stage sadly). She considers herself happy, and far from where she started, or from what she dreamt of becoming: a standup comedian. Under the cover of night, she is a writer, although she now lives on a different continent from where she began, works in tongues quite unlike those she learned as a child, and writes in her third language, English.
Bonding — Volume 9, Issue 3
Shadi Rajabi offers a tense domestic drama in her story, Bonding, unfolding as an exhausted doctor returns home late to find her husband and friends sharing wine and intimate moments, revealing fractures in relationships and the weight of competing responsibilities through careful sensory details and unspoken tensions.