Our Nominations for the Pushcart Prize XLIV
Craig Clark for Glown
Roq Gareau for The Insolvency of Starlight
Dorothy Jane Kavanaugh for Agentis
Margo McCall for Into the Heart of the Storm
Brian Moore for Summer, Heading North
Sheri Singleton for Sunday Morning 9 A.M.
Congratulations to all our nominees! Decisions are in the hands of the Pushcart team. Good luck to everyone!
Craig Clark is a writer and editor from Burlington, Ontario. His work has been featured in various publications including the Toronto Star, TERN Magazine, and Medium. He is passionate about education with a focus on the impact of media on youth and culture. He spent a lot of his early 20s travelling to diverse countries such as Australia, Japan, and Egypt. Currently, he is working on his first novel and enjoys spending time with his new baby Madeleine and wife Valeria. Twitter: @craigclark
Roq Gareau is co-author of Soulful Fellowship: Men, Meaning and Purpose and Director of CentreSpoke Consulting. Soulful Fellowship is Roq’s first book, in which he explores essential reframings needed for men (and those that accompany them) to find belonging and wholeness in times like these. For the last ten years, Roq has also co-convened retreats at which men have been unpacking untellable stories and shameful life experiences to transform wound to gift and insight. Roq’s work integrates aspects of his learning over the last 20 years — men’s work, leadership, group facilitation, initiation and ritual. He lives in Comox, British Columbia.
Dorothy Jane Kavanaugh is a retired Speech and Language Pathologist has published non-fiction in her professional journal and poetry in “Whiskey Sour City,” Black Moss Press. Her mentors have included Timothy Findley in Toronto, Ontario, Donna Morrissey in Halifax, Nova Scotia and Nino Ricci in Windsor, Ontario. She is presently a student in the Master of Literature and Creative Writing Programme at the University of Windsor in Ontario. “Agentis” is one story from her novel The Little River Bridge. She lives in Windsor with her cat, Mr. Yeats.
Margo McCall’s short stories have been featured in Pacific Review, Heliotrope, In*tense, Sunspinner, Sidewalks, Rockhurst Review, Toasted Cheese, and other journals. Her nonfiction has appeared in Herizons, Lifeboat: A Journal of Memoir, Pilgrimage, the Los Angeles Times and other publications. She is a graduate of the M.A. creative writing program at California State University Northridge. Born in Winnipeg, she lives in the port town of Long Beach, California. But the feeling of the prairie has never left her. For more information, visit http://www.margomccall.com. You can follow her on Twitter at @wordly1.
Brian Moore lives in Toronto where he worked as a project manager. He grew up in Grey County, north of the city, and still thinks of the back roads and farmland of Grey as home. He was previously published in On Spec magazine.
Sheri Singleton is a graduate of Memorial University and teaches High School English. She lives with her two cats on the beautiful island of Twillingate, NL, a picturesque community of roughly 2500 people off the province’s northeast coast. Her poem, “The Drive”, appears in the English 3202 text Vistas used by grade 12 students province wide. She is currently working on her first novel.