Paul Edward Costa
Paul Edward Costa is a literary artist, former Poet Laureate for the City of Mississauga, and the current Director of Toronto's Art Bar Poetry Series.
Andrew Lindsay
Dr. Andrew Lindsay is an occasional teacher of college history with a fond memory of growing up, and attending school in Scarborough, Ontario.
Daryl Bruce
Daryl Bruce (he/him) is a recovering dairy farmer turned writer based in Montreal. An emerging voice in queer Canadian prose and poetry, his work has appeared in The Antigonish Review, Open Minds Quarterly, and more.
Jessie Carson
Jessie Carson lives in Almonte, Ontario. She is a writer, a reader, a teacher, and the mother of three boys.
Tom Reynolds
Tom Reynolds lives in small town Ontario. He has written much and published little.
Finnian Burnett
Finnian Burnett teaches undergrad English and creative writing. They’ve published in the Bath Flash Fiction Award Anthology, Daily Science Fiction, Flash Fiction Magazine, and more.
Jamie Quinn Mader
Jamie Quinn Mader (they/them) is a queer, mad, fat, non binary femme who writes from what is colonially known as Toronto, Ontario.
Oleksandra Budna
Oleksandra Budna grew up in Ukraine. She now lives in Toronto with her family and works as a communications professional for a social justice and health equity organization.
Pauline Shen
Pauline Shen is an emerging writer in London, Ontario. Her writing aims to showcase beauty and courage rooted in unexpected and challenging places. Her work is published or forthcoming with Amethyst Review, Blank Spaces, CommuterLit, and Dreamers Creative Writing.
Haley Down
Haley Down is a student at the University of Essex, currently pursuing a Masters of Wild Writing. She has been an editor at Blank Spaces since 2018. She writes environmental poetry and in her free time she can be found talking to the trees, at her sewing machine, or playing boardgames with her friends.
V J Hamilton
V.J. Hamilton lives and works in Toronto. “Tattletale” is based on a report from BBC Business Daily on employee monitoring software.
Erica Helder
Erica Helder is an abstract artist working out of her home studio in Brantford, Ontario.
Angela Dallago
From a young age, Angela Dallago has always been fascinated with water… She has dreamed of living by the ocean or sailing for months at a time but, while living in Whistler surrounded by the Coastal Mountains, Angela gets her water fix by paddle boarding on the lakes or swimming in the cool waters.
Rhonda Skinner
Rhonda Skinner is an Edmonton-based writer. When she’s not writing, she enjoys reading, playing golf, taking photos of wildlife, or playing her ukulele.
Jozef Leyden
Jozef Leyden (pseudonym) lives in Ottawa, Ontario. He was born and raised in Bohemia and lived for a few decades in the Netherlands before he found his home in Canada.
Ronald Zajac
Ronald Zajac was born and raised in Montreal, where he completed a B.A. and M.A. in English Literature at McGill University.
Laura Jane Petelko
A Professional Photographic Artist residing in Toronto, ON, Laura Jane Petelko’s work has explored the psychology of ones identity and self-image, simultaneous with transformation and transcendence.