Mitchell Toews


Mitchell Toews, writer

Mitchell Toews lives and writes at Jessica Lake in Manitoba. When an insufficient number of, “We are pleased to inform you…” emails are on hand, he finds alternative joy in the windy intermingling between the top of the water and the bottom of the sky or skates on the ice until he can no longer see the cabin.
Mitch’s writing has appeared in CommuterLit, Fiction on the Web, Literally Stories, Storgy, Fictive Dream, Cabinet of Heed, Fabula Argenta, Pulp Literature, Quail Bell, Lunate Fiction, Riddle Fence, Agnes & True, and more, including a number of anthologies. Details at his website,

“Hans Christian Andersen, the Hardy Boys, comic books, the University of Manitoba Extension Library…and the short stories in my dad's Esquire Magazines were all contributors to my eventual inky ambitions.”

The Margin of the River— Volume 5, Issue 1 - 09/20

The Margin of the River by Mitchell Toews moves like the tide through visceral daily experiences—some mundane, some quintessentially Canadian, some heart wrenching, each powerfully evocative.

My Life as a Corkscrew— Volume 4, Issue 4 - 06/20

Mitchell Toews delivers a delightful explanation of what it means to be a writer in his humorous essay, My Life as a Corkscrew.

Sweet Caporal at Dawn — Volume 2, Issue 4 - NOMINATED FOR A PUSHCART PRIZE

Sweet Caporal at Dawn by Mitchell Toews puts us on the dock with our fishing gear, as we learn how to bait a hook and roll tobacco from a master.

Alanna Rusnak

With over eighteen years of design experience, powerful understanding of publishing technology, a passionate love for stories, and a desire to make dreams come true, Alanna Rusnak is your advocate, mentor, friend, cheerleader, and the owner/operator of Chicken House Press.

Robert Chursinoff


Mary Clare Terrill