Jordan Ryder
Jordan Ryder, writer
Jordan Ryder is from Toronto, Ontario. She’s just spent a year in Ireland where she drank loads of Guinness and studied for her Master’s degree in Literature and Publishing. Jordan received her MA with First Class Honours from the National University of Ireland, Galway, and she also holds a BA in Creative Writing from Dalhousie University, in Halifax. Currently, Jordan is working for the Brink Literacy Project and trying to figure out how to be a professional. She writes whenever she can and is adamant that a manuscript is on its way.
Cold — Volume 3, Issue 2
Cold by Jordan Ryder uses the provided write prompt image to reveal the visceral experience of a college co-ed facing the consequences of a drunken long weekend.
Blank Spaces nominated COLD for the Pushcart Prize XLIII and the 2019 Journey Prize
Jordan Ryder presenting a reading of COLD at the launch party for JUST WORDS VOLUME 3, on September 23, 2019 at Creeds Coffee Bar in Toronto