Jessica Lee McMillan
Jessica Lee McMillan, poet
Jessica Lee McMillan is an emerging BC poet with an MA in English. She likes crooked, shiny things and her writing explores architectures of perception, existentialism and longing—especially in nature and music. You can find her work in A Poetry of Place: Journeys Across New Westminster, ShabdAaweg Review, Bewildering Stories, Goat’s Milk Magazine, and Pocket Lint (A New Journal). When not writing, doing front-line legal work or teaching, she spends time with her little family and buries herself in books and records.
Word Garden, Proven Objects, New Ceilings, and Saltwater Taffy — Volume 6, Issue 2
Exploring the architectures of perception, existentialism, and longing, emerging poet Jessica Lee McMillan brings us a taste of her poetic voice with Word Garden, Proven Objects, New Ceilings, and Saltwater Taffy.