Christina Wiebe
Christina Wiebe, writer
Christina Wiebe is a chronic illness warrior who has turned to the healing power of writing to process and cope with the chaos and uncertainty that are inherent in living life with a complex, chronic and invisible disease. She did the unthinkable for someone with Central Sensitivity Syndromes and competed in the 2019 Miss BC Pageant to foster awareness for these invisible illnesses on a larger platform, winning the regional title of Mrs. Vancouver Island for her passionate commitment to being a voice for the invisible and advocating for those in the chronic illness community. She relocated from Vancouver, BC to Port Alberni on Vancouver Island in pursuit of healing and experimenting to improve her functional capacity. This is her first publication.
Serendipidy in Port Alberni— Volume 4, Issue 3 - 03/20
Christina Wiebe lives with chronic illness that usually keeps her housebound, but when the sun called her outside on International Woman’s Day, a walk took her to a nearby gift shop where she had an unexpectedly beautiful and profound encounter in Serendipity in Port Alberni.