Andrew Shaughnessy
Andrew Shaughnessy, writer
Andrew Shaughnessy (Andy) is a Toronto-based intellectual property litigation lawyer and writer. He is a three-time bronze medalist and four-time short-lister in Blank Spaces Magazine writing competitions. His short stories and poems have appeared with Blank Spaces Magazine, Off Topic Publishing, Syncopation Literary Journal, and Last Stanza Poetry Journal, among others. He is the 2023 Mississauga Library Poetry Prize Winner. He overuses m-dashes (and parentheses) and has (the love of) a dog.
Grizzly Mountain — Volume 9, Issue 2
Grizzly Mountain by Andrew Shaughnessy is a tale of tension and performance at a dude ranch, exploring the thin lines between truth, adventure, and manipulation through the interactions of city dwellers and ranch hands.