What an exciting journey this has been! The twenty stories from our longlist were poured over by our judging panel, culminating in a Zoom meeting full of discussing and debate. When that wasn’t enough to solidify the final eight, emails were exchanged back and forth until we landed on a list we are very excited about. Not only does this list offer stories that celebrate diversity, it presents eight unique takes on the broad theme of ‘The Things We Leave Behind’, resulting in a final collection that will be an enjoyable, thought provoking read.

These eight stories will go on to be published in a print and digital collection that will be available for purchase in the new year. One grand prize winner will be chosen from the eight by our special guest judge, Rachel Laverdiere, and they will be awarded a cash prize of just under $340.00 in December.

 Congratulations to Ace Baker, Barbara Lehtiniemi, Julie Meier, Dawn Miller, Jennifer Moffatt, Cheryl Skory Suma, Lori Twining, and Ronald Zajac!

Click on any shortlist title to read the excerpt.*

*stories are not listed in any particular order.

Once the final judging is complete, we will celebrate each of our finalists by adding their photo and bio to this page.

 The GRAND PRIZE winner was announced during a live Zoom on December 14, 2021.

The anthology is available for pre-order. Grab it now so you don’t forget!

Royalties on every sale will be paid out to all eight writers. This is a great way to support Canadian authors as well as supporting Blank Spaces magazine and our efforts to encourage creatives.

*Price is subject to chance as the release date approaches. It will never be lower than what you see posted here.

** cover art will be updated before publication

The Things We Leave Behind The Things We Leave Behind
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Meet the Finalists and the authors featured in the anthology, The Things We Leave Behind